Service Areas: West Chase, South Tampa, Riverview, Fishhawk, Town ‘N’ Country, Dana Shores, Davis Island, Beach Park, Hyde Park, Bloomingdale, Brandon

Pool Maintenance in Fishhawk

Pool Maintenance in Fishhawk

Pool Maintenance in Fishhawk

Are you in search of reliable pool maintenance services in Fishhawk? Look no further!

Florida residents have a deep appreciation for pools, and Fishhawk is no exception. With its vibrant community, it’s no surprise that many homes in Fishhawk boast beautiful pools. However, maintaining a pool can be both enjoyable and time-consuming, especially during the hot summer months when extra attention is needed.

Introducing My Tampa Pool Pal, your go-to pool cleaning business specializing in residential and commercial pool care. Based in Lithia, Florida, we proudly serve the Fishhawk, West Chase, Odessa and South Tampa areas. Our commitment to excellent customer support sets us apart. Rest assured that Jose, the owner of My Tampa Pool Pal, is a Certified Pool Operator with background in Finance & Technology working with small businesses and Fortune 100 businesses – so you know you are in capable hands.

We offer a comprehensive range of services including pool cleaning, maintenance, and repairs. Whether it’s spring replacement, winterization, or pump repair, we’ve got you covered. Our team of licensed, bonded, and insured professionals is dedicated to keeping your pool in pristine condition, year-round.

When it comes to pool maintenance in Fishhawk, trust My Tampa Pool Pal to deliver exceptional service. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a complimentary consultation.

5 Tips For Pool Maintenance In Fishhawk

1. Skim the Surface:

Every day, debris accumulates on the surface of your pool. Regularly skimming the surface helps maintain clean water and reduces the frequency of deep cleaning. Using a telescopic pole with a skimmer net, sweep across the pool’s surface to collect any trash. Shake off the debris onto the ground before submerging the net back into the water if it becomes dirty.

2. Brush the Walls:

To keep your pool’s walls free from dirt, chemical residue, and potential algae growth, it’s essential to give them a thorough cleaning. Attach the pool brush to the telescopic pole and systematically brush the walls, ladder, and corners of your pool. Be diligent to reach all areas, ensuring no small gaps are missed, as they can become breeding grounds for algae. Brushing helps remove trapped particles and algae, making it easier for chemicals or a pool vacuum to eliminate them.

3. Vacuum the Floor:

Clearing debris from the bottom of your pool is crucial for a clean and inviting swimming experience. Attach the vacuum head and hose to the telescopic pole. Lower the vacuum to the pool’s bottom and press the other end of the hose against a jet to remove air. Once the bubbles cease forming, indicating the removal of air, you’re ready to proceed.

4. Skim the Surface:

Every day, debris accumulates on the surface of your pool. Regularly skimming the surface helps maintain clean water and reduces the frequency of deep cleaning. Using a telescopic pole with a skimmer net, sweep across the pool’s surface to collect any trash. Shake off the debris onto the ground before submerging the net back into the water if it becomes dirty.

Connect the vacuum hose to the suction port at the bottom of the skimmer after removing the strainer basket. Start cleaning your pool from the walls, working your way toward the center. For better access to corners, use a long-handled vacuum with a wide head. Use a sprayer to eliminate any water stains on the walls. If you encounter stubborn stains on the pool liner, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance to prevent further damage. Remember to turn off both filters before discharging any debris back into the pool.

5. Clean the Filter:

A clean pool filter is essential to maintain optimal water circulation. Neglecting to clean your pool’s filter can result in more frequent pool maintenance. Depending on your filter type, different cleaning methods apply.

For backwashing your pool filter:

Backwashing involves running your pool pump backward to flush out the system. Sand and DE filters can undergo quick backwashing but require thorough cleaning once or twice a year. Begin by turning off the filter and connecting the backwash hose to the filter’s waste port. Set the valve to backwash and turn the filter on for approximately two minutes. Then, turn off the filter and switch the valve to rinse. Let the system run for another minute. Finally, turn off the system and set the valve back to filter. If you have a DE filter, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for DE addition.

For cleaning your pool filter:

Sand Filter:

Backwash the filter, turn off the pump, and set it to filter. Open the pump lid and add sand filter cleaner following the manufacturer’s instructions. Turn on the pump for 10-15 seconds to distribute the cleaner throughout the sand filter. Turn off the pool pump and leave it off for 8 hours or overnight. Complete the backwashing process and reset the filter to its standard setting.

Cleaning Your Cartridge Filter:

Turn off the pump and filter, and release air from the system. Open the filter and remove the cartridge. If the cartridge is damaged, it should be replaced. Rinse the cartridge thoroughly with a garden hose. If the filter still appears dirty, use a commercial filter cleaner or soak it overnight. Once the filter is clean, replace or lubricate the O-ring and reinstall the cartridge. Turn the pool filtration system back on to complete the process.

DE Filter:

Wear gloves and a face mask when cleaning your DE filter. Backwash the system, turn off the pump, and release air from the system. Open the drain plug to allow water to drain from the filter. Rinse out the filter tank and clean the manifold and filter grids. Check for any damage, and if necessary, clean the manifold or grids with a commercial cleaner or soak them overnight. Replace or lubricate the O-ring and return the manifold and grids to the tank. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions to create a slurry of DE and water. Turn on the pump, release air from the system, and within 60 seconds, pour the DE slurry into the pool skimmer.

Wash the Deck

To prevent debris from entering your pool again, sweep away leaves, grass clippings, and other trash from the pool’s surroundings. Use a high-pressure hose or pressure washer to wet the deck and eliminate algae growth and chemical residue. For a thorough clean, scrub the pool deck with a sturdy brush, followed by a specialized pool deck cleaner to remove any remaining algae and germs.

Choose My Tampa Pool Pal for your Fishhawk pool maintenance needs and experience the difference.

As a licensed and insured company with years of industry expertise, we offer a wide range of services tailored to your specific requirements. Our commitment to customer service ensures your satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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